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Just when you thought
it was safe.......
I'm easy going, easy to get along with for the most part.
I have a mind of my own and will always remain true to who I am
I've been broken, let down, hurt but I refuse to stay down.
I get up to fight another day.
I am a survivor.

You can into my life so unexpected
You've showed me more than I can ever explain.
I was beyond broken
Little by little those broken pieces are finding places to go.
Thank you for being you.
I know our paths will be rocky.
But I truly believe we will overcome those obstacles that lives throws at us.
I beyond adore you
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Avatar since: 18/07/2014

Age: 34  Terverifikasi umur 18+ Umur Terverifikasi
Amerika Serikat
Terakhir masuk:

~💔Beautiful NyteMare💔~If they think they can replace you. Let them.
Status Hubungan: Sendiri
Mencari: Obrolan
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`Nyte-Custom Phoenix 2`Nyte-Custom Skylar 2`Nyte-Custom Phoenix 1`Nyte-Custom Skylar 1Custom SB 2Custom SB
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